Building Renewable Energy
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Over a Century of Experience
The management team at Navasota represents over 120 combined years of power plant acquisition, development, construction, operational and investment experience.
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Comprehensive Knowledge
Navasota’s principals have extensive experience in the power energy industry developing, constructing, operating, acquiring and divesting of combined cycle generation, simple cycle generation, reciprocating engines, landfill gas, biomass, wind and solar projects.
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Mass Generation
Our Company has been involved with the development, construction and/or operation of over 3,000 MWs of combined cycle power plants and 70 MW of solar pv in Texas, over 400 MW of combined cycle and simple cycle generation in Massachusetts and 400 MW of peaking power in Ohio.
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Sound Management
Navasota’s experience in developing, permitting, constructing, asset management, fuel contracting, power origination and hedging of assets will help direct the successful completion and operation of new units for our clients.
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Effective and Committed
Navasota raised $1.2 Billion for Development and Acquisition Capital in ERCOT in the past 7 years and committed long term to the ERCOT market.
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Vast Portfolio
Navasota Successfully developed, constructed, operated and acquired 2,640 MW’s in ERCOT
Guadalupe Power Partners LP | 1,070 MW 1 | 471 MW 2 |
Quail Run Energy Center | 550 MW | |
Colorado Bend Energy Center | 550 MW | |
Total | 2,170 MW’s | 471 MW |
2. Navasota developed, permitted and received quotes for equipment and construction for a 471 MW peaker expansion adjacent to Guadalupe Power Plant
Guadalupe Power Partners LP
Navasota Energy supported equity owner in the acquisition of the 1,070 MW combined cycle facility located in Marion, Texas. The Navasota Energy was the team was responsible for the capital projects, asset management, power origination, and oversight of the facility owned by Guadalupe Power Partners LP in Texas.
The Navasota team also developed a 471 MW simple cycle expansion project for the Guadalupe Facility. The project received its TCEQ Air Permit in November 2013. The facility was sold to Calpine in February 2014 for $640 Million consisting of $625 Million for the existing combined cycle facility and an additional $15 Million for the advanced peaker development project.
Reference: Calpine Completes Purchase of Guadalupe Power Plant in Texas for $625 Million
Quail Run & Colorado Bend Energy Centers
The Quail Run and Colorado Bend Energy Centers were simultaneously developed and constructed. The Colorado Bend Energy Center is located south of Houston in Wharton County, Texas. The Quail Run Energy Center is located in Odessa, Texas. The two nominal 550 MW matching combined cycle power plants were constructed in two phases in order to bring the units on-line as quick as possible. The Company worked extensively with local officials and citizens during development and construction to bring jobs and generate economic development opportunities to both communities. Furthermore, the Company is proud that during the construction phase workers logged over 1 million man hours with zero recordable safety incidents.
Odessa Energy Partners LP – 550 MW – Combined Cycle
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Phase 1
A 275 MW plant in Odessa, Texas that Navasota operated from commencement of commercial operations in June 2007 through the sale to Constellation Energy in May 2010.
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Phase 2
The second 275 MW phase of the Odessa, Texas energy project that Navasota operated from commencement of commercial operations in April 2008 through the sale to Constellation Energy in May 2010.
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Phase 3
The third 275 MW phase of the Odessa, Texas energy project; permitted but not constructed.

Wharton Energy Partners LP – 550 MW – Combined Cycle
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Phase 1
A 275 MW plant in Wharton, Texas that Navasota operated from commencement of commercial operations in June 2007 through the sale to Constellation Energy in May 2010.
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Phase 2
The second 275 MW phase of the Wharton, Texas energy project that Navasota operated from commencement of commercial operations in April 2008 through the sale to Constellation Energy in May 2010.
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Phase 3
The third 275 MW phase of the Wharton, Texas energy project; permitted but not constructed.

Madison Bell Power Partners LP
Navasota permitted a 550 MW combined cycle power plant in Madison County Texas. In 2009, power markets in ERCOT deteriorated, which delayed the need for this plant, and the project was placed on hold.